Many small businesses find it challenging to deploy, maintain and protect their technology. KML has you covered with secure solutions to help protect your company’s data and technology.
IntelleSECURE and Cybersecurity
IntelleSECURE is a way to prevent employees from clicking on phishing messages (fake messages with malicious intent).
Another entry point for these bad actors is through email. This is where 90% of ransomware is encountered. You know, the email you click on and suddenly all of your files are encrypted and inaccessible and it is spreading throughout the company. You can regain access to them by paying a ransom. You need to prevent this from happening through education and have procedures in place in case it does.

More About IntelleSECURE and Cybersecurity
To prevent these mischief-makers making mischief for you, something needs to be done to protect your technology – computers, networks and email – from them. And physical or technical protection is not all you need. There are elements of awareness and education that need to be brought in as well.
Also, while we call cyber intrusions “mischief”, it can be way more serious than that sounds. Not only are you facing interruption of service but loss of business data and stealing of customer information and trade secrets. If you take credit cards or hold SSN’s, or sensitive personal information (such as medical) there could be fines and retribution in the form of HIPAA and PCI violations which call for fines on top of the other trouble created. Do not take this subject lightly.
There is only one way to ensure cyber security – stay unplugged from the internet. And even that isn’t 100%, just harder. Since that is not practical in today’s world, steps need to be taken.
Why You Are Vulnerable To Cyber Bullies
You are probably not being targeted directly. Not by the Russians, the Romanians or the Chinese. You are probably not a big enough fish for them to try and hack you directly. If you are, you already know it.
BUT there are hundreds or thousands of “bots” (cyber robots) that daily troll the internet looking for vulnerabilities. When they find vulnerability they will attempt to exploit it. If they are successful, they will enter your system and see what there is to get. If they are looking for something they can sell, they will take it. You may know it, or you may not. If they didn’t find anything, you may not even know they were there, but now they can come back any time – unless you change something.
Preventing Cyber Attacks
A firewall is hardware device or software that seeks to prevent someone from gaining access to your system (a locked door). As with locked doors, there are various types and some are more effective than others. Here there are the same types of differences – you can have a flimsy door that won’t stop anyone, a solid wooden door that will slow them down or one that is armored steel and keeps out all but the most determined. There are even doors with cameras, alarms and other security. So it is with firewalls.
You need a good quality, effective Firewall at your office. They can be a little pricey sometimes (especially if you’ve never had one before) but they are worth the investment in your security. If you take credit cards (PCI), have HIPAA requirements or other regulations to follow, they are essential and pretty much a must-have.
KML uses and recommends firewalls that have UTM (Universal Threat Management) software integrated into the hardware structure. This is a set of definitions of viruses, malware and dangerous websites that is kept current and provides an additional layer of protection for your network.
Firewalls and UTM devices work, but they are not perfect. The next line of defense is an Anti-Virus software program on all your computers and your server.
I know what you are thinking: “I can use the program that I get from my internet provider for free!” Maybe not. First, the programs that are provided for free are provided to so many individuals that they are the most common anti-virus programs. This means that the people who write viruses and try to exploit systems with them are more likely to write around these particular tools, so it is a wise step to pick another good yet more obscure anti-virus program. Second, whatever you have must have a database of virus definitions that is updated regularly because new viruses and malware are constantly introduced to the market. This means you must have a paid version of the software so that your virus/malware definitions are constantly up to date.
IntelleSECURE is the KML brand of security programs that add additional security to your system. There are two types, educational and observational.
IntelleSECURE EDU (educational) is a way to prevent employees from clicking on phishing messages (fake messages with malicious intent). IntelleSECURE EDU is inexpensive and effective insurance.
More About IntelleSECURE EDU
When an employee clicks on something they shouldn’t – you lose! This program aims to prevent that.
What is IntelleSECURE EDU?
IntelleSECURE EDU is tailored to educating employees to change their behavior and not click on what could be dangerous messages which could introduce viruses, malware and even ransomware. The human element is the biggest loophole in even the most technically advanced security system. It is how hackers get around the firewalls, routers, anti-virus and anti-malware programs present in the Cybersecurity infrastructure. Without this education, your employees can unintentionally cause you a great deal of grief.
- Initial testing of employee reactions to phishing messages as a baseline
- Fake phishing messages are periodically sent that have no dire consequences
- Initial online training on Phishing: what it is, how it works, how to spot it and how to avoid tripping them
- Accomplished online through award winning training video modules.
- Continued periodic testing of employees with “fake” phishing messages.
- Statistics on the improvement (or not) of employee reaction to the test messages
- Ability to “zero in” on employees who have not improved and target them for additional training.
- Periodic testing to keep employees “on their toes”
- Security Training and Assessment
- Penetrating Testing Internal and External
IntelleSECURE CTM (Cyber Threat Management) is a way to monitor the traffic on your network and classify various threats based on comparison to a large known database of threats. False positives are ignored and real threats are remediated within a short time. Amplifying information on IntelleSECURE CTM is available here.
HIPAA Compliance and Security
At KML Computer Services, we want you to protect not only your practice but yourself.
What would happen if you lost all of your data?
You could incur:
- HIPAA fines
- Breach notification expenses
- Claims for damages
- Cost of compliance with other state and federal regulations
- Reputation damage
Did you know that a Ransomware attack is considered a HIPAA breach?
Since KML has had years of experience with Healthcare industry, we are HIPAA certified and specialize in keeping medical and dental offices educated, safe and up running efficiently. We take care of your technology issues so you don’t have to.
Services offered for your practice:
- CyberSecurity Monitoring and Education
- Email Encryption
- Management of all of your technology needs
- Security Cameras
- HIPAA compliant and military grade encryption cloud storage and file sharing
- PCI Compliance Consulting
PCI Compliance Consulting
One of the most important things you do in your business is sharing information, most of this in the form of files – pictures, spreadsheets and documents. The old way to share information is having a file server, a computer that everyone connects to and retrieve the documents they need when they need them.
The world has changed. Enter File Synchronization. This is a system that sends files on anyone’s authorized computer to a secure server in the cloud and keeps them up to date. When a change is made to a file by anyone it is synchronized back to that folder in the cloud and available to all authorized people.
The benefits of file synchronization technology are great, but consumer-grade file synchronization services are not appropriate for the workplace. Therefore, it is imperative that organizations adopt a business-grade file sync solution that is both easy to use and secure.
- IntelleSYNC synchronizes corporate data, allowing users to access and share critical files and folders from their computers and mobile devices. With IntelleSYNC, users are able to work from virtually anywhere.
- IntelleSYNC is full of features that make it easy for users to securely share and work with others. Users have various options for sharing with internal and external parties, can control the files and folders that they have shared, and set policies for the ways in which they are accessed. All of this combines to form an intuitive and seamless user experience.
- Finally, IntelleSYNC gives administrators total control over their corporate data. A comprehensive dashboard, rich reporting, and granular controls makes it easy to manage an entire instance of IntelleSYNC. Coupled with military-grade encryption, custom or unlimited retention, remote wipes, continuous backups, and rapid restores, IntelleSYNC sets the standard for business grade file synchronization.
- Business-grade file synchronization, enabling secure file access from any device
- Tools so people in multiple locations can work on the same document in direct collaboration
- Secure and easy sharing, empowering user collaboration
- Backup and restore features, preventing data loss
- Administrative features and integrations, delivering security and control
- Military-grade encryption, exceeding industry standards